Wednesday April 11th, 2018 5:30-7:30
George Street Middle School gymnasium

Life Bands: Our refined 100% natural paracord bracelets can improve many aspects of your life. Made from authentic synthetic nylon fibers woven by experts from China, our bracelets are developed by famous bracelet technician Nathan Holmes, under supervision by none other than Elliott Nason! Life Bands are world famous for their unique engineering that ensures that no matter how thick your wrist is, our bracelets will always have a nice fit. Constructed with natural beauty in mind, you can rest easy knowing that while wearing your Life Band you are more in touch with the natural world. Also all proceeds go to building a playground for the Twitti School in Lilayi, Zambia. Our bracelets can also be taken apart in case of emergency, giving you potentially life-saving paracord! Experts such as Malcolm Black agree that our product is genius. You can purchase your very own Life Band at the GSMS Grade 8 Marketplace for 4.95$ on the 11th of April from 17:30 to 19:30! Enjoy life with Life Bands!